
DCU presents the crowdsourced guide to online learning: Advice for Learners, from Learners
This guide was curated as a collective resource and lasting record of the knowledge shared among the learner community in the course. Inspired by the 2015 FutureLearn Crowdsourced Guide to Learning, the current guide provided an opportunity to collate and share what has been learned from the student perspective during the COVID-19 experience.
In this respect it also responds to the need to hear more of the ‘student voice’ in digital teaching and learning as highlighted by the DigiTEL Pro report on student digital readiness during the pandemic (Beirne et al. 2022). As the move to digital continues to permeate all aspects of our society, student digital readiness or the ability to learn online is fast becoming a crucial life skill. However, readiness for digital learning encompasses more than just computer skills, there is a much wider spectrum of capabilities that come into play.
Furthermore, enhancing your digital readiness is not a one-off endeavour. It is likely that your readiness levels will change over time as digital learning environments continue to change and evolve.
DigiTeL Pro Multiplier Event @UOC
On Thursday 26th of January 2023 the DigiTel Pro partnership brought together advanced “schools” in research, innovation, and good practice in synchronous hybrid (KU Leuven), blended learning (TU Delft), and online and distance learning (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Open Universiteit (OUNL), UNINETTUNO) in Barcelona, Spain.
This multiplier event provided the participants with state-of-the-art expertise in the three formats of education:
- Synchronous Hybrid
- Blended and
- Online Education
This time the partnership introduced the re-run course packages for internal professional development in the universities. The three formats serve course and curriculum developers, all those who support teaching staff and learners, and leaders who direct these processes in higher education.
Furthermore, relevant post-Corona issues were addressed, e.g. active learning, interaction and collaborative learning, inclusiveness, and assessment and feedback.

DigiTeL Pro's Third official Peer Learning Event @UOC
On the 27th of January 2023 the DigiTeL Pro partners and some other interested participants came together in Barcelona, Spain, for the third official Peer Learning Event. The event was organised by partners from the UOC.
The aim of this event was to exchange experiences in online education among DigiTeL Pro project partners. Several staff members of the UOC introduced their vision of teaching & learning and shared how they support online learning in their university.
During this session, four learning developers hosted a table and shared topics/best practices/useful resources and discussed approaches.
The project partners from the UOC did an amazing job organising the DigiTeL Pro events in Barcelona. We thank all partners for coming together and discussing the progress of the project.
7 October 2022

DigiTeL Pro's last get together in Barcelona
Thursday the 26th of January 2023, was the third and last time the DigiTeL Pro partners officially met in person in Barcelona, Spain.
The partnership came together to discuss the progress and finalisation of the DigiTeL Pro project and participate in three events hosted by the partners from the UOC:
- The all-partner meeting, 26 January 2023
- The Multiplier Event, 26 January 2023
- The Peer Learning Activity, 27 January 2023
Coming together in Delft: DigiTeL Pro Events
Thursday the 6th of Ocotber 2022, was the second time the DigiTeL Pro partners officially met in person in Delft, The Netherlands.
The partnership came together to discuss the progress of the DigiTeL Pro project and participate in three events hosted by the partners from TU Delft:
- The all partner meeting, 6 October 2022
- The Multiplier Event, 6 October 2022
- The Peer Learning Activity, 7 October 2022
7 October 2022

DigiTeL Pro's Second official Peer Learning Event @ TU Delft
On the 7th of October 2022 the DigiTeL Pro partners and some TU Delft participants came together for the second time in Delft, The Netherlands, for the second official Peer Learning Event. The event was organised by the partners from TU Delft.
The aim of this event was exchanging experiences in blended education among DigiTeL Pro project partners. Several staff members of the TU Delft introduced the vision on teaching & learning, and shared how they support blended learning in their university.
During this session four learning developers hosted a table and shared topics/best practices/useful resources and discussed approaches. The project partners were divided over the four tables and participated in the discussions. Each 10 minutes groups switched to a new table (or stay if wanted). Afterwards, everyone switched back to a plenary setting and started discussing interesting information.
The project partners from TU Delft did an excellent job organising the DigiTeL Pro events in Delft. We look forward on coming together for the next and last events in Barcelona January 2023, hosted by the UOC.
7 October 2022
DigiTeL Pro Multiplier Event @ TU Delft
The DigiTel Pro partnership brought together advanced “schools” in research, innovation, and good practice in synchronous hybrid (KU Leuven), blended learning (TU Delft), and online and distance learning (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Open Universiteit (OUNL), UNINETTUNO).
The event provided participants with state-of-the-art expertise of the three formats of education: Synchronous Hybrid, Blended and Online education. It introduced the course packages for internal CPD by universities. CPD serves course and curriculum developers, all those who support teaching staff and learners, and leaders who direct these processes in higher education. Relevant post-Corona issues were addressed, e.g. activating learning, interaction and collaborative learning, inclusiveness, and assessment and feedback.
Experts of the DigiTel Pro partnership shared:
- Insights into how theoretical formats support course design in your institution;
- Good practices in their respective universities;
- Opportunities to discuss how to apply models and guidelines in practice.
6 October 2022

DigiTeL Pro's first official Peer Learning Event
Last week, Thursday the 24th and Friday the 25th of March, the DigiTeL Pro partners came together for the first time in Kortrijk, Belgium for the first official Peer Learning Event. The event was organised by the partners from KU Leuven.
On the first day, we got to know more about the institutional policy in relation to the transition to digital education at KU Leuven, and how to positioning Synchronous Hybrid Education.
The partners also took a guided tour in the warm-hearted campus and unique learning spaces.
On the second day good practices on implementing Synchronous Hybrid Education at KU Leuven, campus Kulak Kortrijk, were shared.
And a presentation was given on the learning lab concept of integrating practice and research related to Synchronous Hybrid Education .
Overall, the partners concluded that it was a fruitful and very interesting PLA which makes us look forward to the second one on the 6th and 7th of October at TU Delft, The Netherlands.
29 March 2022
DigiTeL Pro:
Launch of the courses
Thrive at university and build the skills you need to get the most out of online, digital and hybrid university learning.
This course is designed to give students the digital edge to succeed as an online learner at university and set you on the path to achieving your learning goals.
On this interactive course, you’ll discover what successful online learning looks like, and reflect on how you can contribute collaboratively online, and find your own online support groups.
You’ll identify the tools and resources you need to get the most out of your independent learning and studies.
As you learn how to develop and professionalise your online identity and safeguard your online presence, you’ll pick up the skills required to thrive as a lifelong learner in today’s rapidly changing digital world.
1 March 2022

DigiTeL Pro:
Launch of the courses
On Thursday 18th of November 2021, the official DigiTeL Pro Launch took place. During this launch the experts provided an opportunity for continuous professional development (CPD), primarily for course and curriculum developers and for all those who support teaching staff and learners, secondarily for leaders who direct these processes in higher education. Relevant post-Corona issues were addressed, e.g. activating learning, interaction and collaborative learning, inclusiveness, and assessment and feedback. The courses will not only address immediate needs but guide universities towards sustainable, high-quality digital education for the future, including continuing education and professional development. The courses will also cover innovative models of multi-campus and international education and blended and virtual mobility.
Click here to register for the Synchronous Hybrid Course
Click here to register for the Blended Education Course
Click here to register for the Online Education Course
More information about the courses can be found here on the DigiTeL Pro website
23 November 2021
European Commission's Initiative: Professional approaches to digital higher education (Launch DigiTeL Pro Courses)
The DigiTel Pro partnership brings together advanced “schools” in research, innovation and good practice in synchronous hybrid (KU Leuven), blended learning (TU Delft) and online and distance learning (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, The Open University of The Netherlands, UNINETTUNO). It will also focus on the student readiness for online learning (DCU-NIDL, Dublin).
Experts develop online courses on models and guidelines for the design, development and delivery for each of these three predominant formats in a post-Corona perspective. The courses will be in line with the most recent research and innovation.
The courses will be launched on Thursday 18th of November 2021, 14.00-16.00 CET.
Register here on our Eventbrite page
28 October 2021
The courses will be launched on Thursday 18th of November 2021, 14.00-16.00 CET.
Please join the Launch of our Course Programme on:
- Synchronous Hybrid Education: based on settings that have in common that both on-site or 'here' students and remote or 'there' students are included simultaneously;
- Blending your Education: with a deliberate mix of synchronous and asynchronous methods: based on a course design with a conscious combination of online and offline learning activities;
- Online Distance Education: based on a course design with a continuous physical separation between teacher and student.
- Student Readiness for Digital Education: giving students the digital edge to succeed as an online learner at university and setting them on the path to achieving their learning goals.
During this launch you will be able to meet the team leaders in dedicated break-out sessions.
Participation in the course programme, starting early 2022, will enable you as educator to make the transition from emergency online teaching during Covid-19 to fully professional teaching and learning in digital higher education. This first mutual acquaintance will ensure that the courses connect with your real needs and expectations. At the end of the session you will be able to continue interaction with the team leaders up till the start of the course.
Please find more information on the launch and the registration on our Eventbrite page.

DigiTeL Pro:
Last Friday, 9 April 2021, the official Kick-Off meeting of the DigiTeL Pro project took place. All partners were present: KU Leuven, UOC, OUNL, UNINETTUNO, TU Delft, FIED, DCU, and EADTU. During this online meeting, the consortium discussed the content of the project and set the very first steps towards professional development for digital teaching and learning.
We look forward to collaborating together for the upcoming two years.
15 April 2021
DigiTeL Pro:
Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning
The partners in DigiTeL Pro are prepared to valorise their expertise in continuous professional development courses (CPD) in order to reinforce the ability of universities to provide high-quality, inclusive digital education. They are at the edge of expertise in teaching and learning scenarios, connecting with main trends in practices observed during the crisis, and in the student learning experience:
- synchronous hybrid learning: based on settings that have in common that both on-site or ‘here’ students and remote or ‘there’ students are simultaneously included (synchronous hybrid learning (KU Leuven-imec);
- blended learning: based on a course design with a deliberate combination of online and offline learning activities (EMBED strategic partnership, TU Delft, KU Leuven);
- online and distance learning: based on a course design with a continuous physical separation between teacher and learner, synchronously and asynchronously (OUNL, UOC, UNINETTUNO);
2 April 2021
About DigiTeL Pro
DigiTeL pro is about professional development for digital teaching and learning.
The COVID-19 crisis has made universities switch to digital education and to re-organize their campus. In the May 2020 surveys of the European Commission, it turned out that in the first (semi-) lockdown period, 95,1% of the universities organized online and distance learning, and 82,7% even had online exams. All institutions set up massive support for organizing online lectures, tutorials, and videoconferencing with diverse pedagogical approaches. At all levels, emergency decisions were made. In the second wave of COVID-19, many universities wanted to keep students on campus for face-to-face teaching. After a few weeks only, this seemed impossible as Europe coloured red again. Universities allowed only half or one-fifth of the students to face-to-face lectures, while others attended online. Now, most universities have to go into a complete lockdown again with online and distance education. The teaching staff feels this is a disruption, requiring an extreme workload to adapt to the situation. Students started to manifest for the right of having “quality education”. Watching a video or following a lesson via zoom is no longer felt as a solution as it was in the first wave.
This is where the DigiTeL Pro Strategic Partnership (Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning) comes in. It brings together excellent groups of experts from universities, well-known for research and innovation in digital education and for having developed good practices in digital solutions during the Corona crisis.
Welcome to DigiTeL Pro!
Professional Development for Digital Teaching and Learning
Hello you, welcome to our DigiTeL Pro website!
We herewith want to give you already some upcoming information about the DigiTeL Pro activities.
The partners of DigiTeL Pro will:
- Explore and forecast educational needs of teaching staff and learners within and after the COVID+ era;
- Exchange expertise between researchers and innovators on synchronous hybrid, blended and online distance learning, optimizing models
and guidelines for short-term and future CPD; - Design,plan and develop continuing education courses enabling anyone involved in the course and curriculum development in adapting to hybrid, blended, and online distance learning;
- Organise three-course cycles in a CPD programme for digital education;
- Empower student readiness for digital learning through an online course and integrating the “student voice’” in all learning scenarios;
- Reinforce the ability of universities to provide high quality, inclusive and scalable digital